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UBICA-II Start > Research associations > UBICA-II

Information for parents

According to scientific and clinical reports, parents with a mental illness or who were exposed to severe stress in their childhood often find it more difficult to adequately address their child’s emotional needs compared to parents without such stress. This in turn could lead to stress on the part of the child. Our »UBICA II« project therefore aims to improve support offers for parents with a mental illness or serious stressful experiences in their childhood. The offers are aimed at improving parental abilities to empathize with their child and are integrated into existing care systems (early help, psychiatric clinics). In order to scientifically check the effectiveness of these offers, we invite both parents and their children to participate in our studies.

Information for practitioners

According to scientific and clinical reports, parents with mental illness or who were exposed to severe stress during childhood often find it more difficult to adequately address their child’s emotional needs compared to parents without such stress. So when we treat patients who have children, we should also think about them or include being a parent in the treatment. The aim of the UBICA project is therefore to examine the effectiveness of two programs to strengthen parental care behavior. Both programs aim to improve parental abilities to empathize with their child and are integrated into existing care systems. At the Aachen location, a program with early help in Aachen and the surrounding area is being carried out. In Heidelberg and Berlin, parent training courses are offered in addition to psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological treatment at the Clinic for General Psychiatry at the Heidelberg University Clinic and the Charité Psychiatric University Clinic in the St. Hedwig Hospital in Berlin. In order to take part in parent training as part of the project, your patient can be in treatment at one of the two clinics mentioned.

Information for early help

Early help employees should be given special support through advice and supervision at the University Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Aachen. Three early help offers from different urban-rural structures were selected for the project.

Information for healthy study participants

We are also looking for healthy control persons to participate in our study at the Berlin and Heidelberg sites. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of mentalization-based parenting training that should strengthen parental care behavior and reduce the risks of potentially harmful parenting behavior. Since mental disorders can affect the parent-child relationship, we investigate the parent-child relationship in both healthy people and people with mental disorders for methodological reasons. As a healthy control person, we would invite you and your child to our research rooms. They would take part in interviews, do tasks on the computer, take a measurement in the magnetic resonance tomograph and record a video of you interacting with your child.